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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You Too Can Be Replaced... By An Old Coat

Always searching for new training ideas, I was online Googling do-it-yourself training equipment when I came across the following creative idea posted by D'Arcy Rahming, Senior Instructor at Modern Bujustu Inc. Miyama Ryu. Now, I don't know Mr. Rahming and I am not familiar with his art.

However, I love the simplicity and creativity of his "homemade training partner". And I truly appreciate his generosity in offering his guide to training alone, including the following "training buddy" directions, for free on his site.

Deep bow (((((((, Rahming-sensei.

How To Build Your Own Training Buddy

What you need:
• An old coat
• A sturdy hangar with a swivel neck
• A pair of shoes
• A soft rubber ball
• A pair of gloves
• A tree, pole or ceiling hook
• Some newspaper or old clothes for stuffing the various parts of the coat

How to build your buddy:
Tie or sew the gloves to the coat. Lightly stuff the sleeves with newspapers or old clothes and stuff the gloves to add some bulk to them. Put the rear legs of the chair in the shoes. Hang your buddy from a pole, tree or ceiling.  You can also use electrical tape to identify vital areas of the body. 

So go ahead. Practice your striking techniques. Work on accuracy and speed. The swiveling hanger will alway your buddy to turn so be ready for counterstrikes.

Now that you are striking, try following up with a wrist break:

Then, how about adding some joint locks?
Your training buddy won't resist like real-life training partners often do, so injuries should be rare to nonexistant. It will be ready and willing if you feel like training early in the morning or late, late at night. And you can work out with it as often as you like. It will never complain.

Now, THAT will be a new experience...

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